

香煎脆皮雞腿排 pan fried boneless chicken thighs

清香甘甜冷泡茶 cold brew oolong tea

肉鬆皮蛋豆腐 preserved egg tofu with pork floss

滿蔥番茄咖哩肉燥飯 tomato curry with rice

銷魂蜜汁叉燒肉 Roasted barbecue pork

古早味香菇貢丸蘿蔔湯 shiitake meat ball soup

微辣檸檬照燒雞翅 Teriyaki lemon Chicken wings

香蕉巧克力手工冰淇淋 homemade chocolate banana ice cream

蛋酥絲瓜湯麵 Luffa noodles soup with fried eggs

奶油白醬泡麵壽司 Instant noodles sushi rolls

蒜香堅果蛋炒飯 Fried rice with nuts

開胃涼拌酸甜小黃瓜 Chinese Pickled Cucumber

天使巧克力香蕉冰棒 Chocolate Banana Popsicle

涼拌蜜金棗苦瓜 white bitter melon salad with golden dates sauce

香煎鱸魚下巴 sauteed fish jaws

紹興酒香炸醬麵 stir-fried noodles with soybean sauce

醬香蒜味金沙豆腐 Fried egg tufu with salty garlic sauce

貴婦華麗野餐趴-法式脆皮巧克力吐司磚 Chocolate French Toast

金山地瓜醬香蒸飯 steamed rice with sweet potatoes

蒜香清炒青花菜 Fried broccoli with garlic